domingo, 10 de febrero de 2013


THERE ARE  so many people preaching about the tittle in their comfort zone with the air conditioning by the monitor, but never showing any true colors, words and words.

Yours truly on the other hand, thought at one time to have the coolest gardening/horticultural blog there was/is, learning through the process that it was a little out of focus.  It is enough to have the best possible/documented garden in the urban concrete/asphalt, loud, crowded environment with our eco-region-- a Cristiani concept-- and local flora and fauna in mind in the whole Caribbean basin, until otherwise proven.

The semantic field of gardening/horticulture is wide and deep. Pots, containers and such is just one of the most simple in terms of use, shapes, forms, materials.

The original soda cracker can lasted about two years.  It got really bad recently and as you can the plant is looking like new in the plastic paint can.  If you look at the root system, evidently the plant needed a new pot anyhow.

The whole process took about 20 minutes. It cost about one dollar, there is a lot of spray paint left for future projects.

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